UX Workshop for Founding Teams: Accessibility - enabling your users’ full potential

Accessibility measures how well users with different abilities could use your designs or services. Though we often think about it in terms of users with disabilities, its impact is much broader.

In this workshop, we will first review the history, concept, and relevant standard on accessibility. Then we will discuss how to produce and evaluate accessible designs. Finally, we will conduct some live evaluation together. This workshop is designed for people new to accessibility.


• 12.00 - 12.10 pm - Check-In

• 12.10 - 12.15pm - Welcome & Introduction

• 12.15- 13.00 pm - Presentation & Workshop

• 13.00 - 13.30 pm - Wrap-up & Networking


Tao Wang, UX Researcher, Innovation Center Network, SAP Newport Beach

This session is conducted by Tao Wang. His passion for accessibility started when he volunteered with a local Special Olympic group. The first-hand experience of how accessible designs could enable and even change people’s lives motivated him to pursue a PhD on this topic at the University of California Irvine. At SAP, Tao helps the team understand users and their behaviors.

This workshop is designed for people new to accessibility. Everyone is welcome!

Please register here.

Small refreshments will be provided. Group size is limited to 45, so hurry!