Café Scientifique - Joe Latone

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Though early in its development, real quantum computers are now available from IBM on the cloud. This radically new kind of computing offers the possibility of solving some of the world's hardest problems, ones that have always been intractable for "classical" computers.

This talk is a gentle introduction to the who, what, where, when, and why of quantum computing, the types of problems it can solve, and the life- and world-changing use-cases and applications it can be applied. Joe will also describe (1) the IBM Q Experience, IBM's free-to-use hardware, open source software, and tutorials/documentation to get you started on quantum computing, used by over 100,000 people all over the world; and (2) the IBM Q Network, its global ecosystem of industry partners, universities, and startups working closely on the co-development of quantum computing.

Joe Latone - Joe Latone is a research scientist and software engineer at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Francisco. He started working for IBM Research at the age of 18—simultaneously completing his studies at Northeastern and MIT—and worked at IBM and a number of high-tech startups throughout his career in areas such as distributed systems, open source software, cryptocurrencies, machine learning, and now, quantum computing. Joe is also the cofounder of Jaxo, Inc - a global blockchain network connecting members to a safe, reliable gold-backed payments system.

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